During the long three seasons between Phil Petty’s graduation and Coach Spurrier’s arrival, star running back Daccus Turman was a diamond in the rough. The Washington, Georgia native hit the ground running as a true freshman in 2002. He rapidly proved himself an invaluable asset to a largely mediocre squad.
G&C: Why did you choose South Carolina?
Turman: Well, one Saturday morning as a young boy I saw the gamecocks in action and Brandon Benett was running
Photo Credit: Merrick Harding/garnetandcocky.com
the ball and the crowd was going crazy and I said that day I would be a gamecock. Ironically, the first major D1 offer I received was from USC and I committed.
G&C: Having played under two different head coaches, in what ways were they different?
Turman: Well, Coach Holtz was more intense with his practice philosophy whereas Coach Spurrier was more laid back but he expected perfection. Both coaches were perfectionists, just one was a little more laid back in his approach.
G&C: Having said that, in what ways were they similar?
Turman: Both coaches had the ability to relate the game to life which was great because some of the lessons are still being lived today. Both coaches poured countless hours into preparing and getting us ready for success so I would say that they were winners.
G&C: Of all your games, which is your most treasured memory?
Turman: Beating Florida in 2005 was awesome.
G&C: Which quarterback was your favorite to work with?
Turman: Dondrale Pickens.
G&C: Of the teams we regularly played during your tenure, who would you say was the toughest?
Turman: Georgia was always a powerhouse the four years I played.