Clemson Wants To Remind Its Players They Haven’t Beaten South Carolina In Five Tries

South Carolina Gamecocks fans like to remind Clemson Tigers fans that it’s been five years since they’ve lost to the Clemson Tigers. It will be six if they’re able to exit Memorial Stadium with a win in 135 days (November 29).

And if the fans in the upstate don’t like it, imagine being a Clemson player and seeing a reminder of that in the football facilities every single day.

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That’s intentional on the part of the Clemson coaches.

They want their squad to have a daily reminder of not only how long it is until the big game itself, but how long it’s been since they last beat the Gamecocks


"“We’re 0-5. It’s a straight-up message. There ain’t no beating around it,” Clemson offensive coordinator Chad Morris said Tuesday, his voice lowered and traced with unrest. “They’ve beat us five years in a row. It’s got to stop. Simple.”…“They’re gonna see it every day,” Morris said. “Every day, it’s rubbed in their face, and we’re going to make a point, every day. We’re going to talk about it. They’re going to see it, every day.”"

Clemson does have this on their side, though: they have the longest winning streak in the series–seven from 1934-1940. But for Carolina to get to seven, they’ve got to get to six first.

And if they have their way, “it”–their own winning streak–won’t stop for a while.